Rant ... Prepare yourself

Kink and Kink shaming

The world of fanfiction has opened your girl’s eyes to some kinks and boy howdy are there a lot of kinks out there. Also, what I have found no matter what fandom you are in there is there weird need from fans to kink shame. I know not where this come from as a reader (If you read the labels) or as you are reading you can always do this weird thing called stop reading or go back. Yet for some reason readers for some reason feel the need to shame the writer for 
a) writing what they want when then do it for free or 
b) shame others for reading something like this.

I find that unfortunate as no one is forcing you to read. Now I will admit there have been times in my numerous fanfic reading moments when I have stumbled onto something and started reading only to drop my phone and walk away to come back and either have to decide do I want to finish this to see what is going to happen or do I want to walk away from this.

Sometimes I choice to read on and because of that I have found some really good shit. Like I am turning red thinking about it and would NEVER EVER DISCUSS THIS AT CHRISTMAS good shit or recommend it to my friends but good shit none the less and I will review it here because hey those writers deserve some props because that shit was good shocking because again (I FUCKING NEED TO LEARN TO READ LABELS) but still it was good.

And there have been times when I’ve dropped my phone and jumped that when I finally get the courage to pick it back up I quickly close that delete it from my history and pray to God I remember what it was and how I got to that rabbit hole so I never find it again. Yet in those moments not once did it ever cross my feeble mind to take time to write a comment on the author’s stuff and tell them they should not have written that… why? Well because I was able to do what I did which was back out of it and move on with my life to determine that 
a) that was not a kink at this time I liked or would like to explore currently and 
b) that author worked hard on that writing so while it wasn’t my thing it is or could be for others.

Now back to kinks. EVERYONE HAS SOME OR DOESN’T EITHER WAY WHO THE FUCK are you or I to judge what others enjoy or don’t enjoy. If it isn’t directly affecting you as in you being tied down and forced to watch (which is not your kink) then why the fuck do you care. DON’T READ IT this is where that whole (READ THE LABELS WARNING comes in that I always preach about) If you don’t like something good for you doesn’t mean it’s wrong. If you don’t like soulmates don’t read about it. If you don’t like spanking don’t read bout it. If you don’t like bottom Jungkook don’t read about it. If you don’t like tentacle porn you might be missing out but then again don’t read about it (there are some really good authors out there and personally I never thought I was into it)

Also here’s a thing I might suggest before you say you don’t like something… maybe try it (and I don’t mean physically cause I don’t think you can have sex with an octopus) but try reading something outside of your comfort zone then explore why it makes you so uncomfortable. Odds are it isn’t the author but your beliefs which hey if they are still there and you still value them great you now know that and can move on and can explain it and know for the future however, you may grow from reading something before judging it too… you never know.
