FanFic Review ~ Sea of Stars by serendiplini

Title: Sea of Stars
Author: serendiplini you can follow on twitter at @jigukie
Main Pairing: Jeon Jungkook/Park Jimin AKA Jikook
Chapters: 1
Words: 63,752
Read in: April 2020

Challenge: none other then the reading one

Smut: little here little there I mean come on folks they do have some sex. 2 out of 5

Author’s Summary: 
When the world behind the lens of Jungkook’s camera turns grey, Jimin crashes into his life and paints it with his colors.

My Thoughts
Dear Jesus can you tell a story more with more angst, fluff, love and heartache at one seating then this in only 63K? Find one I dare ya? My god what a ride. I hurt I ache I am sad and happy. I cried and I laughed and I longed and man did I mention that I cried with this fic? I wanted Kookie to have what he deserved which was happiness and to learn all that he was going through and then to have what happened with Jimin…

Then Jimin no I wanted to hate you. DAMN YOU JIMIN I wanted to burn you up and write you off and then I read further and FUCK it I ended up feeling just as bad for you and I hate that about these kind of stories. Why can’t I just pick a side. Like pink ribbon for Kookie and Blue for Jimin and then I could have worn my pink ribbon proudly and FUCK IT then I got Jimin’s side and I hate my life because now I have to wear both ribbons and DAMN IT I DID’T WANT TO FEEL BAD FOR JIMIN. Cause my bunny bun was hurt and didn’t deserve it but he handle it like way better then clearly I did as I was trying to pick sides and also ribbons. FUCK don’t watch Gilmore Girls in-between reading this fic.

ANNNNN EEEE WAAAAYYYYZZZZ this fic had way too many emotions and highs and way too many lows and FUCK A DUCK I loved every fucking minute of it and wow just wow. Go forth babies and read it. And then come back and tell me which ribbon you picked. Cause damn it this fic was spectacular and wonderful and I am still riding high from it and will probably read it another 10 times and for sure will go and put it on the Jikook recommendation reading log PFFT still going to wear my pink ribbon though…
