I just found the most amazing AU online on YOUTUBE guys go check it out

This is the first episode

Outcast and it is done by mintyglitches 

Here's what Youtube summary has

Original AU by @flirtaus (Account now deactivated) Visual adaptation (and alterations) made by mintyglitches
Seriously there are 10 episodes and they are amazing!! I highly recommend this video series!!!

So originally this was a twitter au done by flirtaus which is no longer active. You can still find the original screenshots throughout the internet though if you look really hard.
I found them here.

Recently I have been into the AU's on twitter they are still just as fun to me as AO3 but it's more like reading text and tweets and it's different. I stumbled across this one when looking at fan made videos one day and holy shit was I hooked. First off mintyglitches makes fantastic videos and secondly this is a horror story that sucked me in like a movie and i just couldn't get enough.

This is sufficiently scary enough to make it creepy and done well enough to make you think that you are watching a movie not a fan made video. Go check it out seriously you will not regret it.
