FanFic Review ~ Verified Amateurs (Online Now) by BeeBalm

Title: Verified Amateurs (Online Now)
Author: Beebalm
Main Pairing: Min Yoongi and Kim Namjoon
Chapters: 23
Words: 130,980
Read In: March 2020
Challenge: nope just the reading one

Smut Level
Okay to be fair this should be a 5 but damn it read the labels people it's about people doing camming online so of FUCKING COURSE THERE WILL BE SMUT... but to be fair there was nothing over the top where I was wondering why they were doing that. So to me while there was a lot of sex it was every chapter and it wasn't sex for sex reasons well it was but it moved the story along and it fit...

Author's Summary:
When you're broke, camming is a totally valid way to pay the bills. So what if Namjoon is giving up all of his gay firsts to his best friend every Saturday and broadcasting it to the world? He's 99% sure that it's going to be chill.

My thoughts: 
Oh My let me gather myself for this review. First and foremost I started this when beebalm wrote this in September because I am subscribed to their author account (I did not write that to brag but to merely let you know how long I was invested in this story) There are 23 chapters and from September 2019 until March of this year I waited patiently for a chapter to be dropped into my email and DAMN if the moment it didn't drop I immediately would open it and sneak off to go read it. My 15 minute breaks at work would be spent many a days in the bathroom reading this fic. Or if it was a really busy day I would tell myself this story would be my reward. And God many a week I needed this story and I was so happy and angst filled and sad and roller coaster of emotions with this story and shake my phone one time I threw it on the love seat across from me in frustration at these two because DAMN IT YOU KNOW YOU LOVE HIM GET YOUR HEAD OUT OF YOUR ASS MIN YOONGI AND TELL MY PRECIOUS CINNAMON ROLL KIM NAMJOON THAT HE IS YOUR BOO!

I am pretty sure that I scared the shit out of my dog on that chapter. Every chapter as they would push and pull and discover each other and other parts of themselves. Then as Namjoon had his gay panic moment and damn it my heart I just couldn't and FUCK if I didn't just want to reach through the phone and hold him.

And fuck if Namjoon didn't finally get his shit together only to have Yoongi repeatedly hurt him and break his heart only for us finally to see what Yoongi was actually thinking and then I swear on everything I hold dear my heart literally shattered into a 100 pieces and damn it all to hell if I wasn't rooting for a happy ending and not in the sexual way. Jesus if beebalm didn't give me a happily ever after I was going to shoot someone or something and I was hoping it didn't come to that as I don't own a weapon nor do I know how to shoot. Any who this fanfic does things to you and me and everyone who reads it and dear lord it was great and fantastic and I loved it. Even the emotional damaging parts but I forgive the author for that because dear god the ending the ending was so worth the pain and I highly recommend this yoonjoon/sugamon/namgi fic 
