Bang Bang Con

Some of you may or may not have known this but BTS put on a 2 day 12 hour (each day) so 24 hour concert called Bang Bang Con this last weekend. For US people it started Friday night (my time 10pm and went until roughly 9am Saturday) and repeat for Saturday night.

They went through their concerts of the past and we got to enjoy them in the comfort of our homes. Friday night I stayed up for the first 2 and some of Red Bullet. Took a nap and woke up for Munster then had a mishap with my puppy and had to take an emergency visit to the vet (she fine I had an emotional meltdown over it) Needless to say last night I made it through the first Wings concert and gave in to sleep then woke up for the last concert.

I have to say I love this idea and was happy for it. As an old lady I wish they had done like a concert a night or spread the love out but I get it. I'm not their demographic nor can you please everyone plus let's get one thing straight this is their time zone not mine. Also I wish that Big Hit would re-release these on DVD so that we could purchase them. I think that would be great. However, all that aside this was a fun night. I was able to facetime my niece and nephew during this who all live in different areas and enjoy the concert with them not something I could do in real life. And honestly it was fun to see concerts I would normal only be able to see clips of online.

So thank you BigHit and BTS for doing this. It was something to enjoy while being stuck at home but also something to enjoy since the concert has been postponed!

For a play by play of thoughts go and check out my twitter @SaraiNerdingOut

*Also I really enjoyed the growling can we bring that back at future concerts* 
