Album Review ~ The Most Beautiful Moments In Life pt. 2

See I told you that I would put the right CD with the right album when I did the second part of the review.

This time we are reviewing The Most Beautiful Moments In Life Pt 2

Fun facts: 

Released November 2015
There were 2 different albums released Blue and Peach (I picked blue because I got peach for pt. 1 and at this time my obsession had not manifested itself enough to buy more than one of the albums)
This part 2 of the miniseries. This is going to be a surprise soon so hang tight
Fun fact unrelated to anything. This album has one of my favorite photo shoots. Tattoos and mint Yoongi and orange hair Jimin

I mean how freaking brilliant is this?

Alright to the music: 

1. INTRO: Never Mind
I honestly had never heard this song and the whole reason I bought this album is Jimin's tattoo (his real one and I stand by it)

So I wanted to see what this could mean and why it meant so much to him and low and behold it's a Suga song and BOOM fate sealed I went and had to have the album. So now I am going to try and sum up what this song means and at the same time attempt to not want the tattoo either. 

So I'm going to do something different because I have now listened to this song 14 times and damn I want a tattoo. Here's the link to the English lyrics. Go read them they are powerful

Also let's take a moment to appreciate the intro is Suga's cough... just a moment okay go.

Most powerful line from it:
You will make your home go broke

From that point onwards, I didn’t care
No matter what anyone said

I only lived how I wanted, guided by only my beliefs 

If you can’t return, go straight through your mistakes and forget them all

Never mind
it’s not easy but engrave it onto your chest
If you feel like you’re going to crash then accelerate more, you idiot Come on

Never mind, never mind
No matter how thorny the road is, run
Never mind, never mind
There are lots of things in the world that you can’t help You better
Never mind, Never mind

Seriously a great song go and read the lyrics and then listen again and again to the song.

2. RUN
Come on this is a BTS classic and dear lord every time it comes on I just have to sing along to it. This is a BTS classic...
Does anyone else appreciate that Butterfly song #3 is playing in the beginning of this song and can I just mention this... I love that BTS does this brings in other songs on the album as the intro to their music videos
Okay back to the song as we have yet to get there. 
So this is a love song about all they know how to do is love someone and it's okay to get hurt. However, can I just state for the record the video does not match the words... 
Don't tell me bye,bye you make me cry,cry (every English speaker knows that part and run, run, run parts)

This week I will post the or a video that explains the video of Run or parts of it. The conspiracy of the BTS not really more like the backstory of what is going on their videos cause let me tell you that rabbit hole was scary

3. Butterfly
So butterfly reminds me of a really sad song yet I am never sure if that is truly the case of this. Even when rap line raps they do it soft and slow almost a singing quality to their raps. I absolutely adore this song. And it's one of the songs that I will stop everything to sing along to. It's soft and sweet and flows well. It has a heartbreak mentality to it yet echos of sweetness that makes you long for something that you just can't quit put your finger on. 
I say they all rapped softly then RM comes up in there all hard and angry. way to ruin that thought RM. Other then him ruining the flow it is a sweet soft song that builds into a harder version and ends on a note of finality I didn't know it had. This song just speaks to me. It's like a Whitney Houston song you have to sing along to even out of key.

4. Whalien 52
So this is about a lonely whale. So you know this shit is about to get real sad up in here. 
So it starts off with
RM: the most lonely creature in the world
Kookie: I'm a whale 
RM: you wanna know my story
yep this is going to be wonderfully sad
So how does BTS start off talking about a whale in the ocean crying out and being lonely and sudden WE (and not the normal royal we that I usually use meaning me) but WE ALL KNOW THEY ARE TALKING ABOUT THEM and now we all know that they are lonely. 
Yep totally about them especially when SUGA goes off and says FUCK THAT about being a celebrity yet no one remains by his side. And then all of the sudden the loneliness turns into a wall that they are confined in holy shit 
Then JHope let's us know the world will never know how lonely he is cause they are shining on the outside. Then there's this whole part of (even if I cry no one would ever know) WTF seriously!
And holy shit this song is sad as fuck why am still listening to it I just wanna go to my room laid down cry and take a nap. DAMN IT BTS.
I seriously kept listening to this fucking song hoping for a happily ever after but no fuck that shit god forbid BTS give me that. JESUS this is a song that you play when all you want to do is cry or have a good deep life sucks and I am going to die alone kind of moment and my cats will eat my face and no one will find me until they smell me kind of day. 
I really hope #5 is more up lifting

5. Ma City
So this is basically the boyz bragging on their cities and why you should go visit their cities. And I was doing so great listening to it. It's catchy and it was fun. They were talking about how pretty their cities were and awesome there was a guitar rift here and there honestly it was the pick me up I needed after the depressing song known as Whalien 52. 
Then Suga came on and wow everyone else (AKA RM, JHope and even Jimin) all like my city is beautiful it has trees, lakes, mountains. Then Suga's like come to see Daegu why cause I'm from there.
I saw a youtube comment that said this: "I love how RM and J hope are all like, my birth city is beautiful! Trees, rivers and mountains! And Suga's just like "bitch, I'm the best thing from Daegu" And I died laughing like fell out on the floor cause that pretty much sums up the whole fucking song.

6. Is in Korean no idea what it is
Oh shit this is Baepsae aka Silverspoon and I LOVE THIS SONG for so many reasons but I never understood this song until this video below so I'm copping out and letting you enjoy a Korean explaining the meaning behind this song :)

7. SKIT: One night in a strange city
Sooo yeah I'm backing out of this too the guys are just talking about doing a show I think...

8. Oh hell it's in Korean again. Hold please
Okay hold up is it Dead leaves or Autumn Leaves... cause I am getting mixed info here. Anyway Jin my boo leads us off with a piano A PIANO I love piano intros
and how his love is collapsing without strength I have to say it's been awhile for Jin to lead us in anything and man he has a pretty pretty voice. 
So needless to say dead or autumn this is going to be a dad break up song because why not do that again.
And hold the phone again but Suga and RM are rapping in a song like song rapping like singing RM is SINGING!
Jesus I forget how bad I need RM singing rap in my life until now. 
So I will say after watching the lyrics video and then watching this "live" it was very impressive live. Also the boys do not know how to stand still at all. 

8: OUTRO: House of Cards
Vocal Line baby which is weird as we didn't have a rap line song did we? Anywho who cares as we have us a vocal line song!!!
Can I just say how much I love when they use strings in their songs. 
So another sad break up or getting close to breaking up song. AKA house of cards I mean I get it. Then I again made the mistake of reading youtube comments and I see 50 shades of grey mentioned and I thought to myself whilst I never watched the movie I could see this on the soundtrack it does have that vibe to it. 

Okay that's the album in a nutshell. I happened to know more of the songs on this one because they are wee bit more popular like butterfly, run and Silver spoon. So this album was a little easier to do as the songs were fresher if that makes sense in my mind. 
All in all the album is great Never Mind is the seriously the whole reason I bought this album and I highly recommend it. 

Next wee we are going to review the songs on Young Forever (Special Album that combined the mini albums and added a few things) that weren't on these mini's 

Let me know your thoughts on this album! Do you own it? Which color did you pick? 
What's your favorite song of this album? 
