Fanfic Review ~ You Took All The Lonely Days by Wildlikeawolfpack

Title:  You Took All The LonelyDays
Author: Wildlikeawolfpack can be found on Twitter at @hobiobiobii
Main Pairing: Namjoon and Jungkook AKA NamKook
Chapters: 1
Words: 23,369
Read in: May 2020

Challenge: none

Smut: Okay there is some sex, (Labels: Explicit Sexual content, Anal Sex, Anal Fingering, Oral Sex, Frottage, Use Sex to get closer) ooooh see this is why label reading is important…it’s all coming back to me now

Author’s Summary:
author and hermit kim namjoon meets naked stranger jungkook on the beach. they may not speak each other's language, but that doesn't stop them from taking a liking to each other.

My Thoughts:
Oh my where to begin with this little gem...

First of NAMKOOK second off MERMAN JUNGKOOK.. and my review is done..

Okay, okay, okay... so first off JK is a stalker in merman form and I LIKE IT. Second Namjoon is obvious to the stalking NO ONE IS shocked. Third JK makes a move that leads to the bedroom and 
One thing leads to another and magic happens in the bedroom and when Joon leaves to go clean up JK leaves to go back to the water. Which leads to a sad Joon until naked human JK shows up again and then Joon and JK eventually after some forecare (is that even a word? According to the red scribble lines it isn't then again the red scribble lines do not like Korean names so what do they know) they are back in bed and back to disappearing again from each other. 
Mistake one they don't speak the same language (somehow I think that is the author's way of relating BTS to I-Army)
Mistake two they just keep going at it and no one questions how fast JK is picking up language. Mistake three Joon freaks the FUCK out when he discovers that JK has fins (I mean to be fair I would to but this isn't a fanfic about me and merman JK because if it was FUCK that shit I would stand...?... swim... by my man... HA take that NAMJOON and kick rocks... flick rocks.. FUCK IT back to the review) but he was like mean MEAN MEAN like my butt yelled at him to 
N-E-Who once he got his shit together and realized how fucking RUDE he was it was too late. REVIEW DONE SUCK ON THAT BITCHES THAT WILL TEACH YOU NOT TO BE RUDE TO PEOPLE. 

man I am in a mood today. So Joon mopes for days... weeks IDK I lost track and he realizes that he screwed up and wishes he could figure out what to do and then POOF JK appears magically and well seriously I am going to end the review because you need to go read this magically wonderful fic. It was sweet, sad and sexy. I adore it and will probably re-read again. FOR SURE will recommend to all who are looking for a merman fic cause why the fuck not! 
