BTS Album Review ~ Love Yourself: Tear

It's time for BTS: Love Yourself: Tear
This was the 3rd Album released for BTS and the 2nd in the trilogy for the Love Yourself Albums. This album was released May 18, 2018

Fun Facts: 
There were 4 concepts and albums released for this one as well I will show the photos below (I have O but never got a poster I iz sad)
Fake Love was the lead single
This album focused on the pains and sorrows of separation

Concept photos

1. INTRO: Singularity
So we started off with Jimin last album and now we TAE
let me say again Tae freak Taehyung
And my god his voice it's just so damn deep
I also noticed that a lot of his songs have to do with winter? What's up with that?
I could not for the love of God figure this song out so I stole this from Youtube you're welcome

HI GUYS, this is an *explanation of the lyrics*, to hopefully understand it better if you're having a hard time: the song starts off with a scene where "the guy" wakes up from his sleep cuz he hears a sound of something cracking (in his dream). it's a sound he's unfamiliar with. he covers his ears to block the sound so he could sleep again, but he still can't!!.. then he explains to us the situation he is currently in, "his throat keeps hurting!! he's trying to cover up/hide that fact ( losing his voice, but he can't) HE'S LOST HIS VOICE! (symbolizing that he has lost his personality, his real voice and opinion on things). now again to the scene, he says that "today again he's hearing that sound in his dream" (the sound of a lake cracking, the one he mentioned at the beginning that woke him up). now he starts explaining the nightmare he sees again and again day after day.. in the dream, he is the one who dumps himself in the lake, he buried his own voice for her sake (he changed himself to adapt with the girl he loved). after he dumped himself in that lake, a thick layer of ice has formed over it (SO NOW HE CAN'T GET OUT) symbolizing that after he has hanged himself, now he can't go back to the way he was). he says that in that short nightmare/dream he had, his agonizing pain was the same!! (the same as when this incident first happened or the same as the pain the pain of losing himself he feels in real life) then he asks himself: "by doing that, by changing myself, have I lost myself or have I gained you?" (he's is still questioning if he was completely wrong by changing himself, still thinking if he has gained anything from that.. now to continue with the dream, "HE" (another him in the dream) runs to the frozen lake where he sees his own face beneath the ice, (maybe "HE" goes to the lake to rescue the he that's inside the lake?), he then reaches his hand to cover the mouth of the him that's under the ice so that he won't say a word. (maybe words of blaming). he then shares his thoughts/hopes, he says: in the end, (no matter how hard things are now and how he can't get his real self out of the lake) someday, spring will come and the ice will melt away! (and so, he'll be able to get out of the lake). END OF TALKING ABOUT THE DREAM. now to the reality, he's stating his thoughts: (somebody plz tell me) tell me, is this voice of mine fake or not? tell me, should I have not thrown myself away back then? Tell me, Is even this pain that I'm feeling right now fake/not real? tell me what I was supposed to do back then? AND THIS IS HOW & WITH THESE HEARTBREAKING QUESTIONS, THE SONG ENDS.

And fuck my life I now have a whole new respect for this song.

2. Fake Love

Okay back to the song above this is a song about a fake love (yes pun is fucking intended) This song is about changing yourself to fit an ideal type. To become a person you think the other person wants. To be happy even when you are sad to be strong when you are hurt so that the other person never knows. And when you do that you forget or lose sight of you and who the real you is. Because of this and losing yourself you become lost and lonely. The key as we learn through these albums is learning to love ourselves. (BOOM MIC DROP) 

3. ě „í•˜ě§€ ëŞťí•œ ě§„ě‹Ź (ft. Steve Aoki) (The Truth Untold)

So for this video I did something different and went with a video that has the English lyrics in it and rain because damn if this isn't the most soothing video in existence. Also I will belt the hell out of this song in my house this is HANDS DOWN ONE OF MY FAVORITE VOCAL LINE SONGS EVER and I got to see it live and I died my soul physically left my body. 

Also if you look this one up it is based on a story and my God why not make you cry the way I did when I found this out. 
It all starts in a city / village north of Italy (15th/16th century). And in the village, is a small isolated castle, and in the castle, was an ugly guy. No one knows anything about the guy. This guy was so ugly, that he had to hide in the shadows. He came from a powerful family, but he shunned away. He eventually fell in love with the gardener's daughter. The only thing that gave him joy, was gardening. But one day, a girl came to the man's garden / hiding place, and stole flowers. The guy was furious and spied over his flowers at night. Then, she came back and stole some more flowers.
It kept on happening for a few days, until the man got curious and night, he pretended to sleep. He saw the girl again, but this time, when the girl left, he covered himself with a blanket and followed. By following her, he found out that she was poor and ill and the only way for her to survive was to sell the stolen flowers.
Seeing here like this, he wanted to help her out in every way. But he was too afraid that she would be scared of him. He could only keep on growing flowers. He suddenly has the idea to create a non-existent flower, that she could sell at a more expensive price. After several tries, he finally created the perfect flower. He was excited, he planted them and grew many of them. He waited for the girl, but she didn't come. No matter how long he waited, she didn't come. Then he went looking for her, but he realized what happened.
He was too late. She died.

So yeah fuck my life and I am now over it and I don't even care if this is accurate or not. 

4. 134340

So did you know they apparently wrote this based on Pluto well who knew?

The song ‘134340’ by BTS is an incredibly meaningful piece with clever lyrics that illustrate the pain of loving someone who no longer reciprocates that love. The piece uses several elements of poetry and literature to deliver this message. For instance, the whole song demonstrates a metaphor, comparing the speaker to the former planet of Pluto (now known as 134340 Pluto). This illustrates the fact that the speaker’s loved one no longer reciprocates his love, just as Pluto is no longer considered a planet. The songs also uses repetition of the lyric “I still revolve around you” to place emphasis on the fact that the speaker still loves this person, even though they no longer reciprocate the feeling. These elements of the piece, as well as the author’s use of voice in general, contribute to an overall melancholy mood, tone, and meaning. The lyrics themselves present an intense tone of despair, as they focus on feelings of heartbreak and longing. These emotions are primarily established through use of figurative language, as well as the repetition of certain negative phrases, such as “You erased me” and “You forgot me”. For these reasons, the author’s clever use of voice contributes to an overall dejected and melancholy mood, tone, and meaning.

5. 낙원 (Paradise)

This song right away has me worried when it starts off with marathon, marathon life is long go slow... 
Please I can't take another sad one...
Oh okay they remind us it's okay to stop we don't need to run the marathon of life without knowing why. Whew I was getting worried... for a second
Hey this is the first time they have told us it's okay to not have dreams... I'll be a monkey's uncle. 

6. Love Maze

Well who doesn't love a song that starts with "Cause I'll be in love maze" Well apparently we only have to stay together FOREVER and hold on to each other's two hands đŸ˜˜ bet I got you boo 
Let them be them, Let us be us, Love is a maze (not going to lie I've been singing it as love is amazing...) but damn you is amaze yeah (nice play on words Namjoon)
Then I pretend that i know the Korean and maybe I do you will never know as you can't hear me sing it

7. Magic Shop

So our baby bunny boy Jungkook wrote this song with the help of others but he wrote this for us. 

Anyway one of my favorite lines is: "When I hate being myself, When I just want to disappear forever, I open one door and there I was in your heart. If you open that door and come in, I'll be waiting for you there it's okay to believe, I'll comfort you Magic Shop." 
I love it cause a) I can sort of sing it Korea and b) it's awesome when Jimin hits shop high note

8. Airplane pt. 2

Okay not going to lie this video does something to me and damn if I could focus long enough to talk to you about the lyrics I promise you I would but be honest could you focus during this video especially the rain scene?

Also the American in me gets My reaction out of El Mariachi because of my hearing and their pronunciation. Which makes it funny to me and reminds me that Americans have a weird self centered view of the world. 

9. Anpanman

I took a long ass time to like this song. An even longer ass time to understand it and then had to see it live to fully appreciate it. So folks needless to say Anpanman has finally after all these years grown on me. And let me say it's been a struggle for this song. but alas I have succumb to the song and now I enjoy it and will even get down to it when it graces my ipod, my car stereo and hell even a concert. 
Waiting for your Anpanman

10. So What

If this ain't bop I don't know what the frack to tell ya cause I be getting down to it. 
"When you want to give up in the middle of this road, try yelling even louder so what what what"
"before worrying, don't panic, cheer up try screaming, so what what" 

11. OUTRO: Tear
Alright this one the rap line fucking goes hard and live it is rough and deep and FUCK

So I want to give credit to this website for helping me figure out what the the hell I was doing also they have a great translation and meaning of this video go here and check it out.  

Alright boys and girls what was your favorite song this album? Which one do you bop to the most belt out the most or hell just promote the most? 
