FanFic Review ~ When The Rain Washes You Clean by Kimnamjoons

Title: When The Rain Washes You Clean
Author: kimnamjoons  I could not find this person on Twitter so if they are please let me knwo
Main Pairing: Namjoon and Jungkook Namkook
Chapters: 1
Words: 15379
Read in: April 2020

Challenge: no challenge

Smut: none just some good old fluff and sometimes damn it you just need that shit

Author’s Summary:
Namjoon, through his years of being gone, forgets all about object permanence. Forgets about his years of ongoing lectures of things existing even if they’re out of sight for him. Namjoon forgets that things are allowed to grow and change and grow and change and.
Jungkook, from what he’s seeing now, is Big. (Or, Namjoon comes home during the summer for the first time in four years.)
My Thoughts:
You know sometimes I just need to cleanse my platte (I have no idea what I am trying to say here but it isn't plate but you know clean my tongue but fancier than that. The way sophisticated bitches talk when they clean out their mouths) and DAMN man I read a lot so I just wanted some good old fluff no angst, no heart ache, but some resolved fluff that makes you want to squeeze your pillow and kick your blanket
And that is exactly what this wonderful fluffy ass master piece is. We get to watch Joon come back into the life of Jungkook who has been in love with him for FUCKING ever but isn't making a big deal out of it. He is just being him and has not really changed. He isn't pinning and isn't doing anything extreme. He is just being Jungkook and living his life in hopes that maybe Joonie will feel the same but if he doesn't he doesn't and Kook is okay with it.

We get to see the story of the falling in love through flashbacks of how Kookie has showed his love for Joon and how Joon has always been there until one day he wasn't. Now we get to see how Joon is going to explain that to Kookie and how does that pan out for the summer of them being together in the same house again? 
Honestly this is a beautiful fanfiction of how two people grew up together and how they finally come back together without the drama and miscommunication a lot of author's use. It is a beautiful story of two people realizing that they love each other and would very much like to be together and I for one needed to read it. 
