FanFic Review ~ Three Knocks and A Ding of A Bell by Lssimpson999

Author can be found on Twitter @rolypoly97

Main Pairing: Kim Namjoon and Kim Seokjin AKA Namjin
Chapters: 18
Words: 139,901
Read In: This fanfic was finished in May 2020 I started in chapter 2 I think...

Challenge: none

Smut Level: I know there is sex where I can't remember as this is a slow burn but they do have sex....Again I know they do but where it is...

Author's Summary:
Kim Seokjin had plans for his life.
He had everything all planned out. From Secondary School all the way to when he was supposed to have kids. But life never goes according to plan. Especially not when all it took to change Jin's life was three knocks and a ding of a bell. And just like that, Jin had a baby in his arms that was now his. Or, Single parent Jin who is just trying to survive ft single parent Namjoon who is the CEO of the company Jin works in.
My Thoughts
First things first can I just take a minute to appreciate how fracking cute Kookie is in this story and TaeTae who are like 3 HOLY MOTHER OF MONKEY MILK they are the best boys and Jesus Jin just give them the damn cookies already. I felt like Yoongi in this story like I straight up would give them anything they wanted and would be whipped for these 3 year old children. My dear god anytime the children scenes were present I was like
But that was not the point of the story even though it really did become the main attraction for me. The point was Jin and his insecurities around well... fuck everything. And I got it the author did a great job showing us why Jin was the way he was. Did I still want to strangle him... YES, YES I DID did I yell at my phone reading this and want to reach through and shake him? OH HELL YES. That being said I loved watching him grow and push through the fear. I also appreciate that his "family" self made did not walk away through the hurt and did not give up on him or abandon him during that time. They did explain in a healthy way why they were hurt and then they worked through it. And that folks is how you do GOOD COMMUNICATION
Now Namjin let's take a moment to explore that because YES I am onboard with that ship. It was a cute budding romance Jin's fear held them back way too long and I was happy with the way COMMUNICATION worked again in their favor. I wish we could get more of them working through it but alas no story can go on forever. This was overall a very good, at time hard, story to read but well done and worth the time investment. Definitely one I suggest for all the NamJin lovers out there. 
