We are going fishing.... well not really

So for the newbs (AKA New people to fanfic) which let's be honest there seriously can't be that many left but just in case let me break some basics down for you. Before I go into the lovely ships and stories you should be reading related to them

Ships or Ship Names - this is the couple's name so JiKook (Jimin and Kookie) so it usually means the "idea" of two people or characters (in a TV show or movie) being in a relationship. So while you ship them if they don't end up together you're cool and you will live like I ship Jimin and Jungkook together cause it's cute but I'm good with or without it.

OTP - One True Pair - we all got them no matter if we are an OT7 stan or not we have an OTP couple or poly that we like and that we prefer to read. FACE IT and admit it. Just because you have an OTP doesn't mean you can't enjoy other couplings but we have that one couple that just does something for us. KookieMonster (Kookie and Rap Monster) this couple is my OTP but that name freaks me out. That being said I hope you caught the theme
OTP is the couple of people that you love so much and want them to be in a couple whether real (straight, gay, fictional, hopefully, cannon) so much it could potentially destroy your soul LOL I am not talking about becoming delulu for them. It just means that you favor that pairing over others and look for it more. Make sense? So seriously hook ya girl up and get me some NamKook fics please and thank you

Delulu - a slang term for delusional AKA getting so obsessed with the boys or coupling that you see everything as real or that you believe they like you. I won't go further you get it. moving on.

Alright in every fanfic we have different types of world-building and settings. Most are self-explanatory some aren't that was a fun way to jump into the world of fanfic reading and boy was my face red in public when I did (ALWAYS READ THE LABELS PEOPLE ALWAYS READ THE LABELS)

Smut - Let's start off with this label usually it is straight called smut, sometimes known as plot what plot? or plot no plot/porn no plot, come on not make me go further the point is any story that has this means the sex... there will be sex and lots of it. Usually graphic READ THE LABELS cause these writers have done some damage to me I may never recover...
Y/N - Your Name this is a device used to help writers not have to come up with a name and for readers to insert their name into the story so Jungkook stared at Y/N hoping that her smile was for him. Get it? Basically, insert your name while reading it and this will be great until someone names their kid that and I will forever lose my mind

Cannon -So this just means that it follows along with the real-life events that are currently taking place. So for BTS it is all the members as they are, in their current age, with their current roles living how they are in a band. So nothing extra, no A/B/O (see below) not vampires, not in a gang, nothing that couldn't potentially happen in the world that they are living in now.

A/B/O - Alpha/Beta/Omega this can take many forms usually it has been in smells from what I can tell. Sometimes it is combined with hybrid (explained below) but usually, it is more they take on the traits more in the basic scent form and/or eye changing form. Usually one in the pair is dominant the "alpha" and one in the couple is the submissive "Omega" usually from my numerous reading of this genre the alphas have more musky scent omegas a flowery or sweeter scent. Anywho you get the point. It's an interesting genre to read. If you like this genre for smut there are some fantastic writers who handle it well. If you like it for fluff there are great ones as well. (I will do a whole post on those writers soon plus I practically post fanfic reviews daily so there's that as well)

Hybrid - So hybrid is kind of what it implies it can be mixed with a ton of things but usually it is a human that takes on animal qualities like the ears of a cat and a tail. Usually, you will see Yoongi as a cat with ears and tails, Jungkook is usually a rabbit, and Jimin a cat. Those are the more common ones but not always. Sometimes they are paired with other hybrids and sometimes they aren't. Again it can be mixed with A/B/O and they can be alpha or Omega and sometimes that aspect isn't approached at all.  This was a hard one for me to accept at first it really was. Now I'm just meh over it I look at it as a form of A/B/O and really dig some Bunny Jungkook especially if you pair it with Namjoon anything as they are my OTP (see above for clarification also send me any and all recommendations)

Dom/Sub - This is almost always smut (see above) it is domination and submission it can be paired with literally anything. And I mean anything I have seen some crazy things in the fanfic world. Things I am not fully prepared to talk about. However, Dom/Sub is almost in every tag I read now and I have to say 50 Shades of Grey ain't got nothing on some of these writers to make me want to leave comments like
but then again I am the one reading their stuff, leaving kudos, subscribing, and asking for more so maybe I need Jesus...

Mafia - this one is pretty self-explanatory I mean it's a mafia-type situation usually this has more graphic violence than others and usually all the members are involved in it in some way. sometimes they are fighting each other in 2 gangs sometimes not. But you get the idea.

AU - This just simply means alternative universe so something that isn't them being them in the band. Anything that isn't what's happening right now. Sometimes it's cool to read a fanfic about what they might be doing in hotel rooms sneaking around with the paps but other times I just enjoy reading about them being fairies (of the magical kind) and shit. Or being baristas and in college.

Soulmates - Sometimes these are cool and sometimes not. I like matching hair or seeing colors. the red string one is cool. It depends on how it is portrayed but this is sometimes out there.

Yandere - this was a weird topic to wrap my head around. Think stalker but WAY more intense. I had to really suspend reality for this cause this is some go take a shower after reading it yet I liked it and I am not sure what that says about me kind of thing. READ THE LABELS FOLKS READ THE LABELS. Also it doesn't hurt to google labels if you don't understand them tentacle porn anyone?

There are a ton more subunits like knights, fairies, wizards, monsters (I read some tentacle stuff I can never unread not bad just not sure how I ended up down that path) there are some psychological thrillers, vampires, and well you get the idea.

Fanfic, needless to say, is a wonderful world and I hope that by doing the reviews I have been doing I can interest you in reading some great stories that authors have spent their precious time on. And introduce you to some new ships, old ships and possibly help you find your OTP!

Stay tuned as I dig in deeper to the ships and fanfics and show you

Check out AO3, wattpad, Twitter (has stories believe it or not) and Fanfiction Net these are the main places I get my fix. If you have more places please share :0)
