Album Review ~ The Most Beautiful Moments In Life pt 1

It's time for another Album review!

And in case you are curious we are doing the 3rd mini album which is the peach/pinkish color one I just had to do a creative photo for an online class and I took the 3rd and 4th album and mixed them and this was the results you will see photo 2 when I review the blue album.

Alright let's give some album facts
Album was released April 2015
There are 2 different types of this album the peach/pink one and a white one (I picked peach/pink cause I got the blue one of mini 4)
This is part 1 of 2
All the members participated in writing the songs for this album

Also did you know that there is poetry in this album?
one of my favorite pieces is on page 30
I told myself: wait
And let no one see:
And without the promise
Of true ecstasy.
Let nothing delay
This hiding away

And that's all I got for now let's enjoy my review by jumping in with song 1

1. Intro (the rest of the words are in Korean however, when I went to the lyrics in English video it said it was Intro: In the Mood For Love and well that did all kinds of things to me)
deep breathing... deep breathing...holy shit
Suga is like destroying me. Also I know he is using basketball as a metaphor but yo I'm not smart and he raps way to fast for me to read everything. Is there a slow down button?
I do love "What am I doin with my life" moment cause word what am I doin with my life? and we are back to Suga and deep breathing again. What is it about that man?
Okay and seriously after re-listening to this song can these boys be any more intelligent with their songs? I mean they take something like basketball and turn it into life metaphors. Jesus meanwhile I'm sitting here eating a poptart and drinking coffee.

2. I Need U
Pretty sure this is the only song I know on this album
I just remember watching this video going I have no idea what the hell is going on. The video made no sense to me. Why is Kookie getting beat up and did Tae really stab someone? Holy shit which then lead down the path of what do you mean there's a backstory WTF are there theories and conspiracies what is happening in the BTS world? So that led me down a dark spiral which I will address in another blog post because DAMN that was a dark tunnel I still haven't figured out.
Love this song and I still sing along to it and enjoy it whether I buy into the theories or not still love the song and the outfits :0)

3. Hold Me Tight
Oh shit hold my drink we have yet another break up song and you know it will be a tear jerking cry into the ice cream when RM starts us off with my cup is being filled with loneliness and why did I argue all the time. I should've just gave in... Only your scent completes me hurry and hug me
Seriously I am going to start using this with my friends when I need a hug can you trust me, can you trust me kkwak kkeureoanajwo kkwak jabajwo nal anajwo jabal jabal jabal kkeureoanajwo and if they don't hug me Imma hug myself

4. SKIT: Expectations
So this was about expectations on winning I think. I found a cute video that made it easier to understand
Give it some love

5. This song title was in Korean so your guess was as good as mine
Oh SHIT it's DOPE LOL now who feels like an idiot.

So this is a song I know but didn't know the Korean name for... so there's that...
Also not going to lie had no idea this song hadn't come out until the 3rd freaking mini album what the what? also I don't think it has an official video this was the only one I could find but it has the bighit label so we will go with it.
What I like about this video besides the dancing yo. Is the fact they talk about the fact that while other groups were out there partying at clubin at night they were working and still working because they are dope LOL get it dope anyway that's not what they are saying but in a way that is what they are saying. It is a fun bop that every now and again when it pops up on shuffle I can't help but dance and pretend to know the words to.
Also now I know the Korean spelling of Dope and that it didn't actually come out until 2015 which again SHOCKED... learn something new every time I do these album reviews

6. Again in Korean 
So turns out this is called Boyz With Fun... and now I'm having flash backs to a girl group called Girls Generation and my favorite song by them called I Got A Boy... anyone? let me help you out
Anywho let me actually listen to BTS first before making judgments
Well they start off with we're here the fun boys, here, here, the fun boys... oh this is going to be a fun roast. I mean when the lead verse is I don't even know myself you know they regret doing this song.. was this for an ad?
Well I mean they say it's so fun all the fakeness has gone home and then even if your tone-deaf or rhythm-deaf it don't matter throw all that timidness away they are just having fun and do the shoulder dance.

And FUCK MY LIFE I am going to end up liking this fucking song. My fatal body movements my insanity is crazy I want to do everything my way so don't touch me. 
Fuck I like this song.

7. Converse High
Someone insert an eye roll here and again I would have sworn to you this song was older...
why does this song start off like a 90s R&B song like we goin' make some babies up in here when talking about some converse
And I am pretty sure Converse saw a spike in sales after this song. Why did they never sponsor BTS? I'm so into your converse highs I can't help it? The old lady AKA me why though? Is this Victorian England? 
So RM wants... white tee shirt (you all already know how I feel about that) jeans and red converse highs... what the fuck so a 15 year old? 
And apparently JHope doesn't care on the color of converse highs which is nice
Jimin's all but still don't wear Converse lows... (uh old lady alert why not?)
Suga's all into black stockings and let's be honest that has shit to do with converse... hold up let me take a moment to write out Suga's verses
Converse, converse I really hate converse. When  you look all flashy with your black stockings and your high heels, that's just a lie but you look better with Jordan numbers ha don't you know?  converse kill your charm, anyway when you meet me don't wear converse it's too hard to take them off of you
that I need Jesus
Also that I love SUGA

8. Another song title in Korean
Per the lyrics video this is called Move
RM trying to make people cry by starting off his verse "Ayo Suga" awww baby I know you look up to him (I mean who doesn't) but aww
Okay this is a bittersweet song. I like that it talks about it is time to say goodbye to a place that we have grown attach to but it's for good reason such as moving to the next good thing. This is like I said a bittersweet song and I like the beat that they attached to it. A slow almost hip moving but not so fast you want to go to club. Also V loving the softer not so deep voice. Let's move now to a higher place.. taking the last box out of an empty room I look back at the times we cried and times laughed goodbye now. Man I feel like that now with having to pack up and work from home. Bittersweet times... RM comes on to remind us that everyone is afraid of changes and man if that's not true I don't know what is. 
Great song

9. Outro: Love is Not Over
Piano can I get a piano intro... BTS yes yes you can and here it is
And we are back with the vocal line reminding us that love is so painful. HELL YEA IT IS...
Goodbyes are even more painful... PREACH BOYS
Oh shit hold the phone RM just popped in to sing/rap well frack my life this outro has them all I really hate when they mix it up...
who am I kidding I love it. Bring in OT7
I'm not okay JHOPE no baby no I'll hug you wait I know this in Korean hold up...
kkwak kkeureoanajwo kkwak jabajwo nal anajwo jabal jabal jabal kkeureoanajwo
I got this
My goodness can we take a moment to appreciate the vocal line. 

So this album is lovely. We did not get a rapline song, vocal line song, nor any solos but I'm okay with it. This is a mini album and I enjoyed it. This is the album that gave us I need you and Dope  and a song I never knew I needed Boyz With Fun. Definitely and I know I say this with all the albums but for sure go and listen to it if not buy it we all need Boyz with Fun in our lives... just saying. 
