FanFic Review ~ Espresso-ly For You by kimlinebiased

Title: Espresso-ly For You by kimlinebiased
Main Pairing: Park Jimin and Jeon Jungkook
Chapters: 1
Word count: 2,704
Read In: February 2020

Challenge: Did not meet my Fanfic Read Challenge

Smut Level: None this is total Fluff

Author's Summary:
The new coffee shop in town has a brew-tiful barista, he just doesn't know it. 

My thoughts: 
So can I just say that this one shot has 2 of my favorite things: 1) coffee and a barista who just happens to be our sweet little bun bunny shy and unaware how hot he is Jungkook

and 2) a cocky Jimin who knows he's hot and well doesn't understand how the barista doesn't agree (or hell anyone for that reason) put those two together and poof magic will ensue. I hate to be the barer of bad news but this is literally the whole fic. Seriously it's the whole 2k Jimin trying to flirt, JK being unaware of what is happening. Jimin being confused as to why JK hasn't flirted back or returned the flirting until Jin interrupts and explains how important Jimin is and finally Jimin explaining he's been flirting this whole time. JK getting embarrassed and date is set! now that you have the story in a nutshell to and read it because Kimlinebiased do such a better telling of it then me. It is nail biting cute. Fluff is off the chain and I just once want to walk into a coffee shop and see JK making me a coffee. Just once... then again I would probably die of cuteness overload just like I did with this fic.
