FanFic Review ~ Some People Are Worth Melting For by SugaSweet

Title: Some People are Worth Melting For by SugaSweet (snstrsnwflk)
Follow on twitter @snstrsnwflk
Main Pairing: Min Yoongi and Kim Namjoon
Chapters: 3
Words Count: 11,996
Read In: January 2020

Smut Level: none this is like so PG it is nail biting and I loved it

Author's Summary:
Yoongi, a long-time villain, has been working hard to maintain his current lifestyle. Namjoon, the greatest hero in all of Seoul, has been a major pain in Yoongi's ass since the day they met. As it turns out, though, the legendary 'RM' isn't as mighty as he's made out to seem. He's big, clumsy dork who Yoongi regrets saving with every ounce of his being. Or, at least, that's what he tells himself.

My Thoughts: 
Holy Mother of Monkey Milk did we just get a villain Yoongi and a Superhero Namjoon who is clumsy yet hate each other. Yet now this is where the pic above comes in, gets rescued and nursed back to health? Okay, okay hold on Imma need a minute to wrap my head around this and explain it to you.
So Yoongi is the bad guy, okay and he gets his ass handed to him in every fight by Namjoon who is the good guy. Until one day he is out at lunch and Namjoon is literally falling from the sky and gets injured. And Yoongi takes him home... TAKES HIM HOME to help nurse him back to health. And you know what. Namjoon stays there STAYS THERE folks and like for FRACKING EVER which in hero/villain world that's like 3 weeks which then equals out to be like falling in love and OMG it's so sweet and Yoongi has a villain panic moment which he should cause if Namjoon finds out then holy shit things will hit the fan. (villain panic moment is like gay panic but you know with powers involved) turns out Namjoon will find out because we all have to have huge miscommunications
So then Namjoon storms out in a huff of anger and betrayal and Yoongi goes back to doing nothing because his heart is no longer in villain work (oh no the horror) until Namjoon comes back to his senses and realizes he can't live without our little meow meow. So we get our HEA! YEAH 

I am not sure what happened to the review I got to the celebration part and stopped... sorry. Needless to say, go forth AND READ IT you won't regret it as it is a SUPER SWEET and AWESOME read one of my top reads and I should probably go and tell you what those are at some point but *sigh* Yeah it was totally totes and worth it and I just can't stop gushing about it and honestly I am surprised I haven't reviewed it before now. Anywho while you are out there check out the other stuff this author has and drop a line cause I'm starting to fall for this ship a little to fast and hard *puns intended
