FanFic Review ~ Fake Sugar by Minverse

Title: Fake Sugar by minverse follow on Twitter at (@loinzilla)  
Main Pairing: Jeon Jungkook and Kim Seokjin
Chapters: 9/9
Word Count: 87, 597

Read In: January 2020

Challenges: Sadly no

Author's Summary: 
"I guess," Jungkook pauses momentarily to inhale a deep, bracing breath, "I would just want you to come to my work events and laugh at my jokes and don't correct people if they imply that we're doing it." 
"having sex, you mean," Jin clarifies gently, and Jungkook chokes on air. If his face was any redder, Jin would insist on taking him to the hospital. Jungkook clears his throat, obviously trying to play off the stangled, choked sound as a casual cough. 
(Hedge fund wunderkind and Certified Awkward Gay Jungkook needs a sugar baby to show off at work, and Professional competitive Eater and Objectively Beautiful Human Jin just wants to stop working shitty side-jobs. Fake Sugar Daddy AU. A troupe and a half.)

My thoughts: 
Okay I have to say one of my many weaknesses and I do have a few. But, one of my many weaknesses is a shy baby bunny Jungkook. And boy do we get a lot of that in this fic. Jungkook is really a good guy in this fic and he is just trying trying too hard to impress those jerks around him with Jin.  Also can I just say that Jin being a professional competitive eater is just fitting for him and not what most people who write fanfiction usually put him in. Usually he's a model but oh no not in this world in this world he shoves hot dogs in his mouth and Jungkook finds that attractive as he should. Also I didn't know that there was training that went into that. Any who, I did enjoy the fact that Jungkook and Jin slowly build a real relationship with each other and I love that hedge fund baby Jungkook is actually a good guy who will do anything to remain that and will protect fake sugar baby Jin. I liked the twist at the end and I like how Jungkook stays a good guy I was really hoping the author kept him that way. I also like the happily ever after for these two and that we saw all of BTS in some way shape and form. I enjoyed this one as a fluffy piece and while there is sex it wasn't over the top nor did it stand out to me in anyway. In fact this mainly was focused so much on the relationship I honestly don't remember the sex so much... sorry guys. 
If you want a different spin on the sugar daddy troupe this is the one for you and I highly suggest it. Plus I don't read a lot of Jungkook and Jin ship fanfics but I do enjoy them every once in a while so if you have any good fanfics to send my way with this ship I would love to read them. 
