FanFic Review ~ Break My Stride by Solastia

Title: Break My Stride by Solastia (on twitter at @minismyking) 
Main Pairing: Min Yoongi and Jeon Jungkook
Chapters: 4/4
Word Count: 14,356

Read in: January 2020

Challenge: Doesn't really fit in any sorry

Author's Summary
Yoongi is an Omega that has managed to escape the annual mating run without an Alpha for seven years in a row. He has no plans for that to change, but he's unaware of his latest opponent: the newly presented Alpha Jeon Jungkook, his very determined childhood friend. 

My thoughts
Okay first off...let me just say I absolutely loved the idea behind this one. The annual mating run and that Yoongi has a "safe" spot that he preps before the run and has freaking snacks, water and a BED. Why do I have it in my head that the freaking real MIN YOONGI would absolutely do something like that in real life he had to do a run like this. Also can I say that I adore that Jungkook has been planning this run as well and that he has been planning for Yoongi to be his mate for like FREAKING EVER?!?! and I just loved it. I loved the confusion I loved that Yoongi didn't know he presented as an alpha and I loved that Jungkook knew where the hiding spot was. I loved that Jungkook went right for him and I absolutely adored the whole ending. I seriously felt like I was tearing up at the end the perfect HEA if I ever did have one and I love, love, love the whole build up to it. PLEASE know that while there is sex in this it isn't the main focus. Honestly the main focus on this is Yoongi and Jungkook's relationship over the years and them coming together as an alpha and an omega and god bless my soul if this isn't one of my favorite fluff A/B/O fanfics out there. I seriously think at this point I have read this at least 20 times. Go out there and check it out if you haven't! 
