

Organization and writing

How with all the fest, bingos, festivals weeks, and drabbles that I do am I supposed to stay organized. I would love to say I have a simple system. Alas, I don't I actually have ADD (Attention Deficit Disorder) which means I have a lot of different ways I stay organized. One medication (I don't recommend it for everyone but for me at work particularly it helps). For home, I have a planner that I use different colors to help. I use the month to give me an overall view of what's coming up

Purple is for fic reveals
Green is for check-ins
Pink is for author reveals AKA PROMOTE days
Red fic is DUE 
Black is usually a claim day or just a friendly reminder like WIP Wednesday or posts a mood board

I keep a post-it on that month of how many fests are due, how many check-ins, and what Weeks, Bingos and if any other randomness is due

Now those are usually on my monthly calendar to catch my attention. I then also have a weekly schedule for writing. What I keep on that is what I want to accomplish each evening should I choose to write. 

So let's say that I have 3 fests due in a month, 1 Monthly Drabble (for here) 1 chapter fic (again for here) but I also have a Namkook week that I want to participate in. 

During the week I will figure out what I will need to be editing and writing in order to stay on track to write, edit, and post so that it all gets done. 

I try to make sure my fest fics are completely written 2 weeks before the due date to give me 2 weeks for editing. I don't focus on the "special weeks so much" if they get done they do and if they don't they don't. I will post them late and move on. Fest I work on harder because it's an obligation I gave. 

I also make sure that my check-ins happen as well as other requirements. During the week on the calendar I will write out what fics to work on but I will also write ahead with other fics that need to be done. So upcoming fics due in the next month. So if I feel like I am getting burned out in the current works I can work on those including Bingos etc.

I also have a separate list I keep of all fest and due dates and Bingos that I have going on so I can mix it up when I feel stale or unmotivated to work on something and just want a quick one-shot. 

What about you? How do you stay organized? I know I seem over-organized but honestly, it's my ADD that makes me stay this way, and if I wasn't this way I think I would be overwhelmed. 
Do you do anything special? Did any of this help you?
