A fun writing questionnaire


How many fics have you written? 15 are written and published. 4 are waiting to be published from a fic fest

The average length of your fics... I tend to stay between 3-5k for one-shots. though I do have some that are full length... 5 full-lengths, 14 one-shots

Favorite trope to write - Oh I love me some coffee shop trope of holiday trope... OR domestic bliss/domestic activities trope

Favorite part of writing - the first stage where the idea really takes form and you can't help but sit down and crank out 2k without blinking.

The easiest part of writing - rough draft

Writing pet peeves - starting sentences with He and the Name so that every paragraph either begins with He/Him or the character Name...

Writing habits - I just sit down and write then re-write, then correct, then copy over to AO3 before doing a final edit and rewrite. Then post then go back find an error and correct.

A line from a WIP - The beauty of the man outshone all the flowers. His eyes were wide as he stared back at Jimin. His red mouth set in a surprise motion while his cheeks were a dusty shade of pink even the roses would be envious of.

An idea for a fic you have - Jungkook wants to take Namjoon to the Busan International Fireworks Festival. He’s super excited because he is going to ask Namjoon to be his boyfriend under the fireworks. Added bonus Namjoon can meet his parents. The problem, when JK brings it up, “Hey Hyung have you ever heard of the Busan International Fireworks Festival?”Namjoon’s response is a 20 minute ran on the environmental hazards, traffic jams, and how festivals like that contaminate beaches. So what’s Jungkook going to do now?

A favorite line from a fic - "I work here and I swear if you take out another shirt just to shove it back without folding it properly I will shove it down your throat

A favorite scene from a fic - I am huge fan of my Taegi coffee shop au where Yoongi and Tae go back and forth with pickup lines. https://archiveofourown.org/works/26036740

Your most treasured fic - I am not sure I have one. What the Hell was my very first fic and I swear one day I am going to back and re-write/edit it. I do love A Free Hug... and a Chicken

Methods when writing - I tend to figure out what prompt/trope I want to use, then I figure out the pairing. Before I just dive in and write for a while until I get stuck. Then I sit back and outline to see what I really liked and what could I do away with. Before going back in and re-writing then off to editing.

Favorite character - I write BTS so I don't have a favorite one. Though writing them as HP characters were fun

Favorite title - Lattes & Boyfriends Oh My! https://archiveofourown.org/works/25776064

Most used tag - Fluff, Tooth rotting Fluff

Most used rating - General Audience

Something all your fics have - ending up together

Most important part of writing - editing!! Dear God a beta has saved me more than once I swear!

A fic that best represents you as a writer - Even though it has a very small amount of Kudos I really do like All I want for Christmas - https://archiveofourown.org/works/25099180
