FanFic Review ~ Sonder by Polyjoon

Title: Sonder
Author: polyjoon can be found on twitter at @polyjoon
Main Pairing:  JinKook AKA Kim Seokjin and Jeon Jungkook
Chapters: 1
Words 7,778
Read In: May 2020

Challenge: none but I did find this in a fantasy fanfest and that in itself was amazing

Smut: none this is a clean fluffy slight angsty fic

Author’s Summary:

Jeongguk is an NPC in a video game. Seokjin is the supposed hero. They cross paths.

My thoughts

OMG... like seriously OH...MY...GOD.. I am so happy I stumbled on to this BTS fantasy Fic Fest because hawt damn if I didn't find some really, really good fics like this one. 

First let me start by saying finding a good JinKook fic is damn near impossible I feel like. 

Second add in that this is a sweet, fluffy, and make you think ending or in my case cry (at the end cause I'm a crier I cry okay easily and damn it all if this didn't trigger that in me. )

Anyway this was a very unique story to me as I personally had not really read any of the game fic genres of any kind .. 

This is a gamer fic in the sense of using terms and thinking of a game like I have never done before. So, if you can imagine Jungkook is an NPC (non-player character AKA for those non-gamer *cough me cough* it is a character in the game that is not controlled by a player. I mean not like a hate the player not the game player but like a gaming player... any who google has a wealth of information on that if you want) so we are introduced to Jungkook as a "I want to be a hero" but I can't do more than go to the story and sit and stare out the window. Until he meets a hero... cue world wide handsome Seokjin and poof Jungkook makes the decision to join him and go on a hero quest. 

See this, this right here is why I love fiction because in the "real world" of gaming that never happens (work with the crazy I have going okay?). Any way Jin convinces him to go on a hero's quest and they just go around the game having a good ol' time. Like fishing, getting clothes, going on adventures which in itself is weird as Kookie shouldn't be able to do this unless Jin is there... and well he doesn't when Jin isn't there he just sit and stares out the window. (cue crying because well damn I'm a crier damn it and that for some reason made me cry) The whole time Kookie starts making decisions and doing things slowly without any guidance and it was magical until Jin disappears.

See above but damn it I took awhile to figure out why Kookie was just sitting there staring but when I did after Jin disappears for the 11th time (ISTG) and FUDGE MY LIFE that's when I actually realized what was going on and sweet mother of monkey milk I couldn't handle it like an adult. 

That being said it is a wonderful and original story that I have done nothing but talk about since I first read it in early May. I absolutely adored this story and I want the world to know so that they can enjoy it as well. This author does have a ton of other BTS fanfics so look forward to those reviews in the future I hope. 
