Fanfic Fests oh my!

So I have begun writing fanfic of the ot7 boys and I have 2 stories I am really mid-way through (that is a total lie no where near midway) What the hell and Butterfly 

I also have 1 story Renter that has a chapter (as in 1 a single chapter and no idea where it is heading) posted in AO3. So, ya girl thought HELL YA I GOT THIS and went to sign up for some fanfic writing fests... as in I have to post because someone prompted me and I claimed it so now someone is waiting on me to write a story from said prompt... let that sink in.. I barely write a chapter a week on one story for myself and now I am writing from prompts based on what other people want.

I feel like the dog above... I seriously have no idea what I am doing. 

Why did I think that I could write a... and I shit you not... A Harry Potter themed BTS inspired bingo card prompts... A NamJin fic 

yeah you read that right a NAMJIN fic not NAMKOOK ... but NAMJIN dafuq was I thinking I mean that was my first ever OTP but then I discovered Namkook and I was sold yet here I am with a prompt for a NamJin fic... sweet baby Jesus and then... yeah it gets better... then I sign up for interlude dream fest: A Prince Yoongi centered fest... and then because I thought I don't have enough to do or focus on... (I seriously should have taken my ADD pills) I also signed up for BTS Mythical and Metaphysical Fest... like monster and creatures and shit #FML

I just...

I mean I...

What the fuck am I doing?

I can't write and I damn sure can't do prompts. I mean my shit doesn't even have 200 hits hell I don't even have 10 kudos on the stories I used to be really into and proud of. I mean I have zero confidence... (and no folks I don't need pity right now I need confidence)

*sigh* I guess Imma do it I mean I committed so please wish me luck I am in such scared pains right now. 

You know what forget that I got this... I got this... 
