Blog Chapter Fic

Chapter 2

Jungkook had barely made it through the iris when he was being yelled at to “move aside and park it.”


“All military personnel get the scientist to a safe spot to help clear the area.”


“Well, that’s conflicting information,” Hoseok mumbled under his breath as he helped move their team to the side with their equipment. Jungkook smiled as he looked around. His weapon was set and ready, his body stiff yet he didn’t leave his team. He allowed Jimin and Hoseok to guide their group to remain calm and stay put.


“Well, now what?” Before anyone in their group could answer that question the Colonel appeared beside the gate, “That’s everyone, Dr. Weir.”


Dr. Weir, their leader nodded to the Colonel and lifted her radio. “General O’Neil, Atlantis base offers greetings from the Pegasus galaxy. You may cut power to the gate.”


Before power was cut a bottle of something rolled through the ring and then it went blank the shining blue liquid was completely shut down.


The teams watched as each group seemed to silently make the decision to explore their own areas. Military of course going first before the scientist and for once the scientist appeared to be okay with this silent agreement. 


“Lieutenant Park, you stay with them. Major Jung, you’re with me.” 


Jungkook and Hoseok lined up next to a group of soldiers before nodding in agreement. The group moved out in a fanning pattern. Weapons up as they began to clear the area. 


He didn’t have time to be fascinated by the fact doors were sliding open or lights coming on as if the city knew they were there. There was a whisper as power hummed through the city. Slowly their line cleared rooms full of dead plants and ancient tables. Some of the rooms had coverings over objects while others were completely empty. 


Once a room was cleared Lieutenant Major Jeon could hear the scientist following behind him with oohs and ahhs as they discovered something interesting or new. “Dr. Weir you have got to see this!” buzzed over his intercom more times then he wanted to admit


Usually followed by her responding with, “I have a lot of things to see. Please be careful.” 


Jungkook would admit finding the spaceships was the coolest part of his exploration and even Hoseok made an exciting sound. Sharing a smile they continued to clear the ships. He knew the moment someone from his team walked in and saw them when he heard their “YA!” probably from a smack from Jimin.


The next moment of utter excitement followed by slight panic was the moment it was discovered that they were actually underwater. That sent up a whole group of excitement. 


“Hyung water, the story is true!”

“I know I see Tae!”

“I can’t believe it, Kook we are underwater!”

“I don’t know how to swim!”

“I don’t think swimming is going to matter this deep Jimin”

“Oh, really Mr. Lieutenant Major what if whatever it is holding us back breaks then what?”

“We drown that’s what.”

“Well damn Jeon way to bring down the whole group.” 


The excitement was still palpable, slightly dampened but still there as the group moved back to the ships. “What I don’t understand is how do we use these if we can’t fly?”

Jungkook looked at the scientist Dr. Kim Namjoon who was studying the ship. “Maybe it’s more of a submarine?” 


He stood next to Hoseok as all of the sudden three men were crowded into one of them studying it pushing buttons and trying different things. The tall man who Jungkook had escorted with broad shoulders and a beautiful face watched with an amused smile. “Aren’t you going to join them?”


The man turned to him and smirked, “Nope wrong doctor. I am actually a medical one.” 


Jungkook just bowed slightly before walking back to his spot at the door to listen closer to the radio. There was a lot of information pouring in and he wanted to make sure they didn’t miss anything. 


“Terrible enemy?”


“Are they here?”

“Clear comms”


The radio went dead silent. Jungkook lifted his head and looked over at Hoseok who raised an eyebrow both men turned and looked at Jimin who was in a conversation with another soldier. They watched as he smiled before jogging toward Jungkook. 


It didn’t surprise Jungkook that Jimin could get the information they needed that man was known for getting honey from a fly. By the time he got to him, Hoseok had joined. “Apparently one of our fellow comrades overheard that there is a hologram that gives the history of the ancients. When they were here they came across a great enemy one they overestimated and could not defeat which caused them to sink the city as they were under siege for many years.” 


“Well isn’t that just great” Hoseok rolled his eyes as he looked back at his scientist the only one paying attention to their group was the ‘wrong kind of doctor’


“Do we know who this enemy is?”


Jimin shook his head, “no it didn’t have any details before it shut down. “All personal pull back, security pull back to the main gate room immediately.” 


“That’s us.” Jimin and Hoseok immediately went to their group. 


“Roundup we’ve been ordered back.” Jungkook started motioning for the other scientist in the area. 


“But we’ve barely been able-”


Jungkook cut them off, “we have orders to immediately report back to the gate room NOW!”


Namjoon frowned but started to move with the others. A double-check and Jungkook was certain he was the last out; they moved back quickly. Jungkook tapped the men along the way. Making sure he was the last out of every room. His rank made him the highest-ranked here therefore that meant he was the first in and the last out. He took that seriously and he would be damned if anyone was left behind. 


Once back in the main gate room he motioned for Hoseok and Jimin to keep an eye on them before heading up to the control room. Once on the edge, he stayed silent as he heard them arguing about power supplies. 


“If there were more Zero Point Modules here we would have sensed them by now.” 


“There is a shield to protect the gate.” “using power, using power, using power”


Some of it he followed other bits he could not. What he did know is power was dropping all over the city and a team was being assembled to leave to find another source of power. Their team was not part of that but, he knew he had a very intelligent scientist that might be able to help here. 


As the security team was leaving Jungkook reported all he knew to his team and then turned to Namjoon. “You might be able to help them.”


“Me? Why me?”


“Because I read your file. This is why you were chosen.” Jungkook was confused when he watched him back up and raised his hands as he shook his head. 


“No, no I am not qualified for this.”


“If you are not qualified for this then why did you come?”


“That was harsh Lieutenant Major Jeon!” Jeon shrugged, “it might be harsh but it is accurate. If we don’t do something this city is going to flood and we will drown. So Dr. Kim are you going to offer your help or not?”


“I read your file Dr. Kim I know you can do this and I will be there with you.” Jungkook held out his hand, “I know you can do this Namjoon.” 


He watched as Namjoon stared at him before taking a deep breath and taking his hand, “okay show me where to go.” 


Jungkook took Dr. Kim up to the main group of people in the room. They were introduced to Dr. Weir, Dr. Rodney McKay, and others. Explanations above Jungkook’s education level went back and forth before too long he heard Namjoon asked for Dr. Min who joined and started integrating their computer systems with the ancient system. 


“We can’t do much of anything if our systems aren’t compatible and Dr. Min is the best at computer integration and in fact wrote the program that helped interpret the ancient language into our modern language so that the software could integrate with our technology so unless you have further arguments Dr. Mckay I would let Dr. Min do his job.” 


Jungkook had to admit it was impressive to watch the meek scientist he knew standing up to the bold, brash, and know-it-all scientist on the American team or Candian team. 

Even with all the great minds working hard and Dr. Min working around the technology the decision was being discussed about the possibility of evacuating the city the moment it was safe to do so. Jungkook watched as Dr. Weir started to listen as the idea was presented to her and he saw the disappointment etched on her face. 


The teams continued to plan as he made his way down to his men. “Have our team continue to pack up our stuff. It looks like we might be jumping ship for lack of a better term. It would appear that if we don’t leave the city will sink.” 


He watched as Hoseok and Jimin acknowledged the order and gathered their group to start reassembling the meager items they had unpacked. They also started having other members pack up as well. Making sure that other people kept things silent but also aware of the situation. “No one goes anywhere without a teammate understood.” Once acknowledged Jungkook made sure to head back up to the control room. 


Jungkook was impressed with the short grumpy man known as Dr. Min Yoongi who was just terrifying enough to keep others away from him but still working hard enough that even Jungkook could recognize the admiration from the other teams. “Look the city is sacrificing itself in order to maintain these main areas, but catastrophic failure is inevitable.” 


Jungkook watched as Dr. Weir and Dr. McKay argued back and forth as a decision was made to evacuate. Finally, the announcement came across the radio. He made eye contact with his team as he stood next to Namjoon who stopped working long enough to watch it happening. 


Attention all personnel this is Weir


Before she could continue the whole structure started to shake. Jungkook reached out and steadied Namjoon. He heard cursing coming from Dr. Min and tried not to smile as he heard him mumble in Korean, “I did not travel hundreds of light-years just to drown. If I wanted to do that I could have stayed in Korea.”


Stand by for immediate evacuation.


The radio transmission cut off Namjoon was packing up and turned to help Yoongi. Jungkook started tossing equipment down in succession to the next soldier and they did so forth scientists began to load up the carts as everyone worked as quickly as they could while the whole city continued to rumble and shake. When someone tumbled or fell down they quickly gathered themselves up or another rushed over to help them. It was actually the first time that Jungkook could see them working together as a team and not individual nations. 




He watched as the began to light up and a wormhole came in before they could go far. A group of nomadic people started to enter in which they had possession. Jungkook continued the moving of supplies as he was lead officer even with Sheppard back. He grabbed Namjoon and Yoongi once all the supplies were down towards the gate. They needed to be near him as the shaking was getting worse. 


That is when he spotted that Hoseok had Taehyung and Jimin was holding on to a female that he didn’t recognize and Jin the doctor who had the look most doctors wore right before rushing into a medical crisis. When he looked down towards the gate he could see Weir and Sheppard in an argument when a young boy was being rushed up the steps. He motioned for Namjoon and Yoongi to head to Hoseok as he heard. Dr. McKay yell the shield is collapsing!” 


A harsh movement knocked everyone down including Jungkook at that point he slid further down trying to get to his people. He managed to grab Yoongi and pull him to him and stand up before Namjoon yelled, “we’re moving!” 


Bright light flooded the widows after righting himself he helped Namjoon stand and steadied all of them. Watching in awe as the city moved slowly and power started to flood the city again. They moved up the steps to the top in order to lookout. Water pouring down the glass panes as he heard the group exclaim, “Jungkook we’re on the surface!” 


Now would come the fun part. They had hoped for one more day, instead, it looked like they were going to get a whole lot more!

