And man when I jumped... boy did I jump in with both feet.

I signed up for writing fics, I enlisted my own brain power, I made MOODBOARDS (WHAAAAAAA), and then I finally realized quickly that it is a lot harder than I originally planned or thought. So, now after a long and tiring day at work I come home and write my fanfic of the guys and their relationships. Sometimes I do the ships that we have discussed in other post and sometimes I pull out a Y/N moment but name them, Turns out that means it's more of an original character .LABELS ARE HARD TO FIGURE OUT...
It has been challenging and weirdly rewarding. When I first started I assumed EVERYONE would want to read my fanfic because I did but quickly realized that no one wants to read it. Then I went back and remembered that hey it's okay that no one wants to read it because I do and I really enjoy what I write (sometimes I cringe when I go back and read it at all the errors) but overall I really do enjoy my own writing.
Now that I said all that fanfic fests are a different beast. All of the sudden I have pressure of deadlines and other people I am writing for... Gawd the thought alone that the person I am writing for won't enjoy it is scary and I freak out. Thankfully I have found 2 betas to read 2 of my stories. The 8 I have going right now have not been beta read but the next 2 will be. That turns out to be just as nerve wrecking as anything. While nervous I still like the idea of someone else telling me how to improve with my writing.
The other weird and interesting part of this whole journey is the fact that I am now plotting out my fanfic... I didn't even know that was a thing. Until the other day when I was stuck in a chapter of an ongoing fic and I just couldn't for the love of me figure out where I was or how and then BOOM it hit me that maybe if I had plotted this out I wouldn't be stuck and BAM just like that I started to plot and now I know how many chapters (roughly) I am going to have and what that will look like in the long run!
I have a few fics going now over at AO3 you are welcomed to check out my dashboard
I am in the middle of Harry Potter/BTS Yule Bingo card and have published 3 fics with one being beta read right now the series can be found here
Domestic Activities - being beta read
I also have the VMinKook Bingo
I have my very own Leverage/BTS fanfic crossover happening
Butterfly - which is an original fanfic with an original female character and the OT7 boys
What the Hell? - which was is my very first fanfic BTS and original female character gang au crossover
Renter - which I am working on and think I have almost done about vampires and an original female character
I have a few others I am working on and will update on a different post!
I also have mood boards for some and for others I don't... I will for sure do a whole post or a few on my moodboards... my goodness they are good for stress relief..
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